A Settlement near Möhrendorf

A Settlement near Möhrendorf

Urnfield Culture (1,200 – 800 BCE)

In 1995, during the construction of the long-distance water pipeline west of Möhrendorf, two Urnfield culture settlements located along its route were investigated scientifically.

First, the areas of discolouration that had become detectable in the sandy soil after scraping away the humus layer – evidence of soil disturbed for house posts and storage pits – were surveyed and recorded in a dimensioned drawing.

Then, the discoloured patches were opened up and examined for artefacts. As is usual for settlement sites, these mainly consisted of the remains of ceramics, millstone fragments, and mud that had been used in the walls of houses. Metal objects are only very rarely found in settlements.

Based on the configuration of the post holes, the floor plans of the former houses can be identified.